Are You Willing To Be An Inconvenience?


A huge part of awakening and healing is facing the uglier truths in yourself.

It’s not pretty.

It’s rarely neat & tidy.

But it’s a necessary part of the process.

The good news is, that when you really face some part of the shadow, the light of your awareness generally dispels it quickly. Certainly quicker than your mind would have you believe.

It’s the bursting of the abscess that stings, yet releases the poison and the pressure and allows the natural healing to begin…

Really Crap Dad

It’s June. The rain is pounding on the conservatory. I’m looking at a text from my daughter and feeling like a really crap Dad.

She feels hurt, and understandably so. She’s finished her 1st year university exams and I haven’t been in contact to ask her how they went.

“It’s not like you Dad” she says…

But if I’m honest with myself, since she went to University I’ve hardly initiated contact… “What the hell is that about?” I’m asking myself.

A very close friend is staying with me. She’s the kind of friend who says it straight. She has kids herself, so on this matter she’s got cred in my eyes. Seeing me looking distraught, she asks what’s going on.

I spew… and what comes out is how “I feel like an inconvenience”…

Reasons & Justifications

I have my reasons and justifications of course – all stories do… I’m estranged from her Mum, there’s been all sorts of challenges around access and visitations… and those have often been reflected in my daughter’s responses to my requests to see her… Now she’s at University and her Dad asking to see her is just gonna be an additional pressure on her… yada yada…

My friend calls it: “She’s your daughter for f*#ks sake! You’re her Dad. You’ve a right to be ‘an inconvenience’ if that’s what you are to her (which I doubt), and anyway, just call her and ask!”


I call my daughter. We have a real and emotional conversation. Things get sorted. We’ve been in a lot more contact since.


“You’ve a right to be an inconvenience”

My friend’s words ring in my ear and I decide to do some NPA around it. “This I feel like an inconvenience, This energy of I feel like an inconvenience…”

I run through the process… and the realisations tumble out of me…

My whole life I’ve felt like an inconvenience.
Me showing up is an inconvenience.
Me asserting myself, standing up for myself, pushing myself forward… all an inconvenience.

And being an inconvenience has definitely NOT been OK in my world… In fact, the fear and avoidance of being an inconvenience has threaded its way through every aspect of my life…

It’s limited me in my relationships, my career, my willingness to go for it in life.

Just to be clear, at this point I was no wall flower. Years of work on clearing my avoidance of confrontation, discovering that I matter, building my self confidence had made me a changed man from the shut down boy I had been… So it wasn’t that…

The Peculiar Nuance

It was the peculiar nuance of being an ‘inconvenience’… a subtle extra layer, that could ever so slightly (and yet ever so impact-fully) skew my behaviour… keep me ’not toooo big’… ‘Not toooo much’… ‘Not toooo me’.

It’s one of the wonderful things about NPA: In finding the animated cookie cutters, you are finding the highly leveraged expressions, which uniquely connect you to the energy that needs to shift… They’re the small hinges that open huge doors… In a few minutes, a core issue had simply left…

NPA lets in the yummy stuff as well as letting out the yucky stuff, and it was natural for me to follow up by NPA’ing “I’m willing to be an inconvenience”… and moments later, I knew there’d been a foundational shift in my world.

I felt strong, whole and free.

As it happened, the Universe was about to give me an opportunity to test drive the new me… I’ll tell you about that when we come to “Boundaries & Self Love” in the email after next… But for now let me offer you some more good questions to ask yourself…

Good Questions To Ask Yourself

• Do you ever hold back from asking for what you want? If so when? With whom?
• Do you ever avoid difficult conversations? If so when? With whom?
• Do you find yourself backing down when you’re making your point? If so when? With whom?
• Are you willing to be an inconvenience? If not, when? With whom?

If you recognise any of these as part of your experience then you can do some NPA to move things through and shift your reality.

For me the word ‘inconvenience’ was really animated… it really connected for me. There may be a different word or phrase, that points to this energy/behaviour for you, so be open to that too.

Start Making Foundational Shifts In Your World With The Core NPA Training…

NPA Basic Training - Start Here“This video programme will walk you step by step through the core training of The NPA Process and give you what you need to get started making a difference in your life right away with NPA.”


This was one of those times where my background shifted… My relationship to myself was fundamentally changed in a deeply impactful way. I AM willing to be an inconvenience, and my invitation to you (if you’re not there yet) is to find that willingness in you.

Love & Blessings



Squashed Tomatoes & Speedy Transitions


Don’t apologise for using personal development tools, or the rapid shifts they bring…

This may seem like a strange thing to say, but here’s the thing…

I say all the time that NPA allows you to move through the challenges of life with tremendous speed and with relative ease.

This can be a challenge for people around you, if it doesn’t fit their expectations for what a ‘normal’ timescale is for such things.

Back in December of 2015, my 6 year relationship came to an end. This is a BIG deal in anyone’s life. There are cultural and habituated expectations about ‘taking time to heal’, ‘moving through the grief process’ and genuinely dealing with the pain of breakup.

But I did a LOT of NPA-ing

Using The Tools

I NPA’d around the grief, the lost dreams, the stories I had about what I wished she had been able to be, what I thought I should have been… Everywhere where there was pain lingering… Everywhere where my identity was tied to the relationship… Everywhere I felt conflicted, in spite of the clear truth that the decision was the right one.
I NPA’d my fears, my sadness AND what I wanted going forward.

It was amazing that after just a couple of weeks I felt incredibly clear, incredibly free and incredibly whole. I was ready to step out and discover myself anew.

What I didn’t expect was a backlash for doing just that.

Being happy, whole and vibrant ‘too soon’, it seemed was a crime.

Into the stocks with me, squashed tomatoes at the ready…

‘Insensitive’, ‘Unreal’, ‘Escapist’… these accusations came from various mutual friends of my X and mine.

Pause For Thought

I even got an unsolicited private message from a business coach who told me that my social media output, being ’too upbeat’ at this time was ‘Bad for business’! “People will see you as uncaring”, she said, “That could negatively effect your brand”. Now, I get that from her perspective, this was well intentioned… never-the-less, it really gave me pause for thought.

On one hand, she has a point.

As I’ve said, people can have a hard time if you step out of the box. It challenges their reality and they’d often much rather you get back in there. And if you don’t? They’ll likely find a way to put you back in… in their minds at least… labelled ‘uncaring’ for example. That can seem much easier to them than getting curious about a new possibility… and potentially rocking their world.

That may sound like I’m judging it, but actually I’m just stating an unfortunate truth about our society and culture in general today. The very one that the business coach was pointing to.

A Potent Question

But I asked myself a very potent question: “Do I want to align my energy with that thinking?”

The answer was a clear “No”

I replied to her that I taught tools that facilitated rapid change. More rapid than was normal. That that WAS my ‘brand’. I call myself a “21st Century Heretic” precisely because NPA challenges many of the modern day ’norms’.

What example would I be if I muted my living testament to that?
What integrity would I have?
What would I be teaching to those who decide to take full advantage of the tools I offer? That you can use them, but keep the results secret? Set yourself free with speed and ease, but hide the fact that you have?

It made no sense to do that.
It didn’t feel true.

It’s not that I’m devoid of compassion for other peoples pace, or that their perception and stories might cause them pain – quite the contrary. It’s just rare for anyone to leave their mark on the world and not offend anyone, right? And the best way to show the world a new possibility is to BE THAT, unashamedly.

Good Questions To Ask Yourself

So, here’s some good questions to ask yourself…

  • Do you limit your enthusiasm, your happiness or your wholeness to make those around you feel more comfortable?
  • Do you hide away the inner work you do, for fear of ridicule or change?
  • Do you shy away from inner work, or resist its impact because it might challenge the status quo?
  • Do you choose to align with limited ideas and possibilities, when inside you’re crying to step into your power?

If you do any of these, then start with some self-forgiveness… there’s a LOT of social pressure in there, and courage takes practice. Then you can look at, and shift, whatever is holding the pattern in place.

One great way to use NPA in this situation, is took look at what you fear other people might say? And what resistances and challenging emotions come up in you? Find some Cookie Cutters and NPA them… The revolutionary road could be smoother than you think.

Learn How You Can Make Rapid Positive Shifts…

NPA Basic Training - Start Here“This video programme will walk you step by step through the core training of The NPA Process and give you what you need to get started making a difference in your life right away with NPA.”


I was tempted by the resistance to mute myself, but I got the lesson.

Make No Apology

I make no apology for the fact that I am committed to using the tools I have.
I make no apology for the fact that NPA moved me through the pain of the break up faster than seemed ‘normal’ to some people.

I heartily encourage you to make no apology for your wonderful growth either. Stand in the glory of beautiful, exceptional you and you will be showing the world there’s a kinder, freer path available.

Life is short.
Who does it serve to play down your wholeness?
If you can save yourself months, even years, of suffering then why wouldn’t you?


Be Your Beautiful Human Self

Be Your Beautiful Human Self

Let’s not limit life my awakened friend.

Even to a high ideal like enlightenment or purity or the quest for eternal health, wealth and happiness.

Let’s embrace all of those and still welcome the shadows that are cast by the light…

The lows, the confusion, the pains of separation and loss…

The dumb things we do and our unfixable blindness.

Let’s be fragile fools and kind kindred spirits together.

Let’s play and indulge our whims and our pleasures, and laugh at the divine ridiculous-ness of our existence.

Let’s embrace ALL our wonderful-mess and know our wholeness through it.

For life is amazing and rich through its contrast.

Its diversity is its gift and when you welcome it all you’re truly free to be your beautiful human self.

Love from my heart to yours,


Finding Gratitude When You Feel Anything But Grateful

Finding Gratitude When You Feel Anything

When I feel locked up with stress, one of my go-to fast tracks to release and relief is gratitude. Gratitude (for even the tiniest of things) opens doors to the energy of love. In fact, consciously bringing your attention to gratitude is in itself an act of self love.

But, it’s not lost on me that there are times it feels like there’s no freakin’ way you can access gratitude in the midst of life’s challenges. So I want to share with you, a surprising yet magical way to ‘bridge’ from the deepest doo doo, to gratitude and self love…

This One Tip Might Shock You, But It Could Be The Epiphany That Sets You Free:

Here’s the tip…

Gratitude can F**k off

This might seem kinda weird, seeing as I’m advocating gratitude but I’m even more an advocate for starting where you are.

If the thought you should be, could be or would be better off being grateful comes in the midst of you having a low-vibe moment AND it’s met with fierce internal resistance… Then please, for the love of God, honour your authentic experience in the moment.

Be fully present to the resistance and give it an outlet. Let it move!

For you it might not be the words “Gratitude can F off”… But let the resistance have its voice in some form.

The amazing thing about doing this is that you step into a space of ‘not resisting the resistance’… In other words you move surprisingly effortlessly into non-resistance.

The thing is, if an inspiration to gratitude has come knocking on your door, then it’s already hanging around in your energy… It’s right there, even if the resistance has been blocking the doorway to you experiencing it.

Once you honour the resistance and let it move, there will be space…

You’ll feel it… You’ll feel things move…

Perhaps you’ll chuckle as you tell gratitude where to go?
Perhaps there’ll be a sense of immediate relief, which you feel physically, emotionally or mentally?
Or maybe those tears you’ve been needing to shed will finally come?


The beauty of this is that once things move, the door will be clear and open and gratitude can just slip quietly in… kind of all by itself…

And perhaps you’ll discover you’re grateful that you honoured YOU and gave yourself permission to tell gratitude to F off… And gratitude for THAT is suddenly oh so welcome…

Here’s to the ongoing flow of your beautiful, human, authentic self…




What Is True Intimacy?

What Is True IntimacyFor me, intimacy is about listening and deeply hearing.

It’s about empathy and feeling – not just broadcasting your own feelings and ideas but connecting with the other’s:
It requires going beyond the self.

It’s about letting go into each other, surrendering in physical and emotional exploration, just for the love of it and nothing more.

True intimacy can seem paradoxical.
It is the risk of sharing AND the risk of receiving.

In sharing you might not be received.
In receiving, you might not be right… oh dear…

But intimacy, my friend, is worth the risk.

There can, of course, be love without intimacy…
Love can stand alone…

But intimacy takes two wall-less wonder-ers…
Two willing risk takers…

Exploring each others realms…


A Healing Response To Cravings in 5 Simple Steps

A Healing Response To CravingsI was working with a client last week and got into some interesting territory around cravings she was experiencing. Inevitably, we looked at it through the lens of non-personal awareness. One of the hall marks of the non-personal perspective is to switch from a personalised view point to a relational one.

It was very powerful for her to take the following steps when the cravings came calling.

But, first off, it bears saying that some cravings are just natural hunger, and some are telling you that you’re deficient in some nutrient, so not all of them are ‘unhealthy’. This approach is for those cravings you know to be unhealthy…


1) Align with the personalised truth of the moment…
When a craving hits you, it’s been embodied, so you have personalised the energy. To put that another way, you have claimed the craving as yours and made it part of yourself. I often espouse the value of ‘Starting where you are’, it ground you into the current reality and means your movement from there is more connected and so, more impactful. You can do this with a simple statement: “I have a craving”

2) Step into the non-personal, relational perspective…
You are not, in fact, the craving. That might seem like an obvious statement but it’s so automatic to personalise these independent energies, that we often miss the blindingly obvious. A simple statement will help you move from the personalised, to the non-personalised perspective: “There is a craving”

3) Understand that an unhealthy craving is driven by pain…
This is true of any imbalanced behaviour – underlying it is some form of pain, driving a misdirected behavioural response, which is what marks it as ‘unhealthy’. So now you have untangled yourself from the energy of the craving in step two, you can begin to see this more clearly. A statement will help you align with this perspective: “The craving is in pain”

4) Align yourself with compassion for the craving…
This is not about figuring out what the pain is, analysing it or fixing it. Simply allowing yourself to acknowledge that the craving is a distinct energy and it is in pain generally elicits your natural human response of compassion, and compassion is an empowering perspective for you personally. There’s no statement as such here, but if compassion isn’t coming naturally, try imagining the craving as a little puppy in pain… that usually does the trick 😉

5) Open the possibility of another action or behavioural response…
An unhealthy craving is fixated on a particular behaviour or action as the antidote to it’s pain – be that eating, smoking or whatever. When you ‘give in to’ or are ‘taken over by’ it, when you personally identify with it, you are subject to that belief and behaviour. Now that you have untangled from it and are in a space of compassion, you’re in a much stronger place to open the doors of possibility. Again this is not about figuring out what that is – in the non-personal the ‘mechanisms’ are given space to find you. The point is to align you, and the relational space between you and the craving, with the energy of option rather than a singular and unhealthy route. In other words, it puts possibility in the pot. A simple statement will do this: “There is another way”

As I said, my client found this incredibly helpful, so I thought I would share it with you and hope that it makes a difference to your life experience. I’d love to hear what you experience, so please share in the comments below… and share it on social media if you feel your friends and those in your network could benefit from it.


Why Conscious Participation Is Not Always Necessary For Healing

Why Conscious Parenting Is NOT Always NecessaryIn this short audio with Joel Young, The Creator of The NPA Process, you will discover how the requirement for personal involvement in your healing journey has dramatically changed since the background shift in consciousness has matured over the past few years…

Joel explains…

  • The historic culture of personal involvement
  • How things are different since the recent shift
  • Why purpose is context specific on the healing path
  • Discernment between option and need
  • How one lady went from flustered stuttering to clear expression in 30 seconds
  • How shifting consciousness automatically shifts emotional states, limiting beliefs and unhealthy behaviours
  • When conscious participation IS necessary
  • What love’s got to do with it

Time investment: 6.5 minutes

Why Conscious Participation Is Not Always Necessary For Healing


What You Need To Know If You Are Sensitive To Criticism

What You Need To Know If You Are Sensitive To CriticismCriticism is a part of life, and yet so many people have a hard time receiving it and they often experience a lot of hurt in the process. Even if the critics intention is to be constructive, it can be experienced as painful.

I often say that awareness is a powerful thing, so I thought I’d bring some awareness to the topic, laying out why the sensitivity is there, and how NPA can change the experience completely in a healthy way.

Why Are People So Sensitive When It Comes To Criticism From Others?

You might be surprised to learn that the sensitivity actually comes from defence. Criticism threatens an identity, or sense of self and as we become more attached to an identity, it becomes rigid and brittle. If you imagine your skin became rigid and brittle and then someone came up and poked it – it might well split, and then OUCH!

Taking things personally is literally attaching to an identity – you say ‘that’s me that is’, or, equally as confining, ‘that’s NOT me’. For example, a 5 year old who’s told by his Dad: ‘You’re funny!’ may take that on as a fundamental character trait. Literally taking it as ‘Funny: that’s who I am’. Perhaps he grows up and builds an identity all around that idea, maybe even makes it a career! Then someone say’s ‘you’re not that funny’ and his brittle skin gets poked! Of course, different people respond differently in different situations, but he may lash out, or withdraw – either way he feels pain.

A Way To Stop Taking Things Personally

Essentially, The NPA Process allows people to stop taking things personally. Now, most of us realise that taking things personally is a painful thing but few have any idea HOW to NOT take things personally – so that’s pretty awesome by itself!

But what I have come to realise is that ‘taking things personally’ is threaded much more deeply and subtly through our human psyche and is the fundamental mechanism for creating our experiences – both wonderful and painful.

NPA has now had a huge impact on the lives of people from all over the world, from all walks of life and in a huge variety of situations. So, it turns out, that the NPA Process is an amazing tool for clearing painful experiences quickly AND allowing more expansive and joyful experiences into our lives.

Running with the brittle skin metaphor for a bit, you could say that NPA gives you healthy skin – supple yet strong, sensitive and able to feel a vast range of sensations, yet in no way tender and raw. Someone can ‘have a poke’, but it doesn’t hurt, there’s nothing to defend and it can be seen for what it is; just a perspective.

So, Should We Take NOTHING Personally?

NPA Skin Cream (It's a metaphor!)People are often surprised when I tell them that NPA does not subscribe to the idea that taking things personally is always bad. In fact it acknowledges that fundamentally it’s how we experience anything at all!

What causes us pain and suffering is that brittle-ness I spoke of earlier – that attachment to, and defence of, a transitory idea of who we are. NPA offers a ‘multiple perspective’ approach which I teach on the Saturday of The NPA Expansive Weekend and in NPA: The Bridge and this can bring a great deal of fluidity and relief to peoples sense of identity.

NPA is interested in helping people notice and shift those places where brittleness and therefore pain and suffering has come about from taking things personally, where either they are clinging to something that wants to pass, or resisting something that wants to come into their life.

A Note On Clarity & Action

People sometimes misinterpret this perspective and think that I am suggesting a path of passivity that a) never acknowledges that sometimes the critic is just being an arse, and b) doesn’t allow space for the criticised person to have a powerful response.

So here’s what I’ve noticed…

There isn’t one formula for a response that is appropriate in all situations. The reports I get, and my own experience tells me that NPA (and not taking things personally generally) brings a tremendous clarity and presence to the situation. From that clarity and presence strong affirmative action seems to arise naturally.

This is not the powerless, angry action of someone who is in defence and feels like ‘the victim’, it’s the action of someone who knows who they are, supports their values and yet is open to self-evaluation. It’s the action of someone humble enough to know that they are not perfect and others may have a point, yet knows their boundaries and are willing to assert them. Walking away is definitely an option. Passionate discussion of different perspectives is definitely an option. This is a HEALTHY place to come from and time again I see NPA bringing clear and healthy action into peoples lives.

Criticism Aikido

If you’re someone who feels sensitive to criticism, then thank God you’re here. If EVER there was a tool for the job, NPA is it for you!

So here’s what I recommend. Get REALLY into NPA. Practice, Practice, Practice The NPA Process! Master it, play with it, just do it! Buy NPA: The Bridge and listen to it over and over. And/or come to a seminar, join the NPA Community!

Each time you do a process you’ll be loosening up your stuck identifications, letting go of some yukky stuff, or letting in some yummy stuff, but also training in the non-personal perspective – this is one of the fundamentals of letting the Non-Personal perspective come alive in you.

Having the non-personal perspective ‘alive’ in you brings an aikido like emotional and mental agility in difficult situations – like when criticism comes your way! Your brittle skin will be nourished, hydrated and re-conditioned with healthy, wholesome non-personal goodness. It’s a wonderful thing 🙂


10 Ways To Deal With Intense Negativity


10 Ways To Deal With Intense NegativityHave you ever been in a situation where the people around you are in an absolute stink? A prolonged state of ‘negativity’ where it seems like nothing you say or do, no matter how well intentioned, can encouraged them to come back into their heart?

My name is Joel Young and I’m the creator
of The NPA Process, a beautifully simple way to stop taking things personally.

This video addresses the issue of dealing with intense negativity in terms of basic human interaction. It comes in the understanding that human relations are often where our deepest crap hits the proverbial fan, rarely stopping to consider the sanitised suggestions proffered by our more enlightened aspects.

I’ve experienced this many many times in my life and I’ve learned some valuable lessons along the way.

I’m not generally big on formulas, but it IS nice to have some options.

So here’s a list of 10 things I’d like to share with you, that I’ve found helpful when I’m dealing with intense negativity. If you can assimilate even one of them in the heat of the moment, you’ll be doing yourself (and the other person) a big favour.

So let’s get started…

1. Re-Think The Label ‘Negativity’

When you label someones expressions as ‘negative’ you enter dangerous territory.

Now, It’s not that I’m saying there’s anything intrinsically bad or wrong with the term negativity, I’m simply suggesting you examine what you are really saying when you use it, and how that impacts your experience: your thoughts, feelings and behaviours.

I could say a LOT about this, but the main point I want to highlight is that in the context of heated interactions: Watch out for the tendency to fall into the trap of using the term ‘negativity’ as one of the following: a judgement, a defence, an attack from a position of superior enlightenment, to assert yourself as a victim, to negate their perspective or deny their experience.

All of those will cause YOU pain and I’m encouraging you to be as aware as possible about how YOUR label for THEIR experience impacts YOUR experience.

2. Drop Your Agenda

When we’re uncomfortable with someone else’s expression, it’s very easy to believe the notion that they ought to be different than they are – after all, YOU can see that they would be much happier if they only followed your helpful advice and, of course, it would certainly be easier for you!

Again, I’m not saying that your helpful insights aren’t awesome, and if they did do what’s bleedin’ obvious to you, perhaps they would feel a whole lot better!

The slippery slope here is when you become attached to your way and then suddenly you have an agenda.

Agenda’s limit possibilities. They can make you go deaf & blind to the other person, to yourself and tend to create strong undercurrents of pressure to have themselves fulfilled.

Pressure and heat is exactly what you need for an explosion – just sayin’

The truth is that they need to be where they are right now – at least for now. And as humans we tend to resist when our natural pace is forced.

There’ll be time for suggestions or for offering a perspective or for finding a way through that works for them (whether you agree with it or not) – and that time might not be now.

When you drop your agenda, you’ll be more available to notice that moment when it arises.

NPA: Non-Personal Awareness (logo)3. Don’t Take It Personally

Well, of course, this list would not be complete without a reference to NPA would it?

So… Lots of wise sages have advised people not to take these things personally – and trust me it’s good advice!

I have dedicated nearly a decade of my life to sharing the multifaceted and fundamentally non-personal nature of reality… And sometimes, especially in these situations, it comes down to this: It’s just not about you!

Of course, when someone’s deepest doo doo is being flung in your face, it can be easier said than done to not take it personally, but fortunately the human race now has The NPA Process which gives us a simple and effective way to cut through the sh*t (pun intended) and come up smelling of roses (I may have overdone and/or mixed my metaphors – but you get the point!).

I’ve experienced it myself AND had amazing feedback from so many other people who have stepped out of a heated situation, taken themselves through an NPA Process and found they really CAN stop taking it personally and become freer to act from a wholesome place.

On my website (see below) you’ll find a free and simple exercise called ‘Don’t Take Them Personally’. It will show you exactly how to use The NPA Process in these situations and I highly recommend you get it.


Learn how you can feel clear and centred around the people in your life who say or do things that cause you stress

Click here to get your free exercise

4. Listen To Them

This suggestion may seem hard to swallow, and it often requires us to be able to genuinely get the hang of suggestions 1, 2 & 3 – so: drop the label of negativity, drop the agenda and not take it personally – before we’re able to really listen. But when you DO really listen, magic can happen.

There can be lots of ‘faux’ listening going on, especially where an agenda is running in the background – and in fact, that is not listening.

Truly listening can be miraculous, but listening in order to get a miracle – well, we’re back to agenda again :p

Listening without an agenda is just that. Listening. Nothing added. You might be amazed what gets said when they realise you’re really listening.

5. Listen To You

There’s a saying that ‘misery loves company’ which points to our very natural human longing for agreement. In the heat of their deepest pain people often seek agreement from those around them.

And when I say seek, as you know, it often comes out as demand right?

Now, Our culture is full of mixed messages in this arena.

We’re taught, for example:
“It is kind and loving to sympathise and support someone in their painful stories”

This is something many would agree with, and it’s my opinion that there IS a place for this in the bish bosh of day to day human bonding. Validation can be an important part of dialogue.

Conversely we are told “where attention goes energy flows”, which in this context is kind of a rebranding of “don’t throw fuel on the fire”. In other words, if you give their negativity attention it will just get worse.

Then there’s the old chestnut: “If I don’t put ’em straight they’ll never learn”… And sometimes a strong alternative perspective is exactly what’s needed…

The reality is, there’s no ONE approach that will be right for all situations, and you can’t truly know how the other person will respond whichever path you choose. To sympathise, to challenge, to ignore, to confront…? What to do? What to do?

All you can do is listen to you as best you can, and follow those inner prompts, knowing that they, ultimately, come from a wider awareness. Plus, this way, at least you stay with yourself.

6. Ask Yourself: Is It Kind To Me?

Be Kind To You

This inner inquiry came to me in the middle of a drawn out domestic some years ago.

Kindness has always been important to me and the question I used to ask was focused very much in the outward direction. “What’s the kind thing for me to do” would be translated as “how can I express kindness towards them“.

What I realised though is that sometimes, my attempts at kindness would be very painful for me, and would often backfire and cause greater stress in my beloved at the time.

The thing is, I was excluding myself completely from the kindness equation.

So, on this occasion I was laying next to my wife at the time, both of us worn out from the long fight. I knew she was still mad at me and very much unresolved… and the truth is, so was I.

Then arose my usual urge to make peace… To open my heart and reconnect and I began to reach out my hand to touch her softly and comfort her… Suddenly the words rang loudly in my head: “Is it kind to YOU Joel?”

My hand stopped in it’s tracks as the realisation dawned. “No, it bloody well isn’t kind to me” and then, I realised, it wouldn’t really have been kind to her either.

It would have been a false move, borne from my agenda to stop the discomfort I felt with the conflict! It would have been a lie to her and a lie to myself.

My hand withdrew and I lay in the truth, and let her be – free to lay in hers. Something in me softened.

So my suggestion is: before you act to appease, to agree, to shout, to run – whatever – ask yourself “Is it kind to me?”. If it is? Chances are it’s the kindest thing you can do all round.

7. Give Yourself A Break

OK, this one is real simple. You’re gonna cock it up on numbers 1-6 at some point (and numbers 8-10 for that matter!). You just are – that’s your humanity.

So give yourself a break.

Sometimes, what is, is just gonna be: “I’m fed up with the unconscious negativity of the miserable bugger. Why won’t they just think differently like I tell ’em AND I’ve been as kind to them as I can possibly be in spite of their mood! What about me!!!!???” lol

Give yourself a break. There’s another breath coming.

8. Remove Yourself From The Situation

Sometimes you’ve just gotta get out. Get away from it. This links right back to listening to and being kind to you. There are times when it’s time to stay and work it through, and times when something inside says it’s time to go.

This is true in a small temporary way – where you just need to take yourself off for a walk, a bike ride, for a coffee or whatever… AND it can also be true in a bigger way, where it’s time to leave the relationship altogether.

When you listen in and pay close attention, and are willing to be kind to you, the thousand-and-one rational thoughts that would keep you in the painful crap longer than is ‘true’ won’t get a look in.

9. Affirm Your Willingness To Be There When They’re Ready

In relational dynamics, especially if it’s that time to go take a breather (and it’s not the grand finale), I’ve found that it’s kinder all round if you can offer some sense of reassurance as you step away.

It may seem that the other person can neither hear you nor cares, but something inside them is listening.

So saying things like “I’m here when you’re ready, I know we can work this out, and I need to go right now” tend to tear less at the bonds between you.

This isn’t only a sound approach at the times when you need to walk away for a bit, but all throughout communications at these heated times.

The more you can offer statements of intent to work it out together, to hear them, to be there: it’s all good (as long as it’s kind to you).

10. Get Help For You

Finally, it’s really important to get support for YOU – especially if you’re dealing with a prolonged situation.

So make sure you reach out and talk to a friend, pray to whomever you pray (and be conversational about it) or get some professional help with someone like me 😉

But really – don’t under estimate the value of another perspective in these kind of situations. We all need a helping hand sometimes <3

One More thing…

What if YOU are the source of ‘intense negativity’?

In that case, watch this video again and see if you can recognise how there’s a part of you that needs to ‘re-think the label’, ‘drop the agenda’ etc etc – give yourself a break and Do some NPA!!

Give It Some Love

So… Perhaps you have ideas I’ve never even thought of? Maybe one of these 10 suggestions has given you an aha moment or helped you in some specific way? Maybe you have a strong opinion about one or all of these?

Please let me and others know in the comments and why not share this if you’ve found it helpful

Also go visit my website: where you’ll find the free and simple exercise called ‘Don’t Take Them Personally’. Remember, it will show you exactly how to use The NPA Process in these situations and I highly recommend you get it.
[or use the link in the box below]


Learn how you can feel clear and centred around the people in your life who say or do things that cause you stress

Click here to get your free exercise

Thanks for spending this precious time with me and I’ll see you soon!



“Ask yourself “Is it kind to me?” If it is? Chances are it’s the kindest thing you can do all round” via @JoelYoungNPA

“Don’t under estimate the value of another perspective. We all need a helping hand sometimes” via @JoelYoungNPA

“Have you excluded yourself completely from the kindness equation?” via @JoelYoungNPA

“In the heat of their deepest doo doo people often seek agreement from those around them” via @JoelYoungNPA

“The reality is, there’s no ‘one’ approach that will be right for all situations” via @JoelYoungNPA

“Listening without an agenda is just that. Listening. Nothing added.” via @JoelYoungNPA

Time & The Eternal Present: Resolving The Paradox

Time & The Eternal PresentHow do we resolve the paradox of eternal presentness and the construct of time, in our ever-so-spiritually aware world? It’s been a conundrum to be sure.

One of the things I found after NPA became intricately enmeshed with my world, was that many apparent spiritual paradoxes faded into smiles as the non-personal perspective came alive in me. So I thought I would offer the non-personal perspective into this debate, as it’s one that has caused confusion and consternation in many an awakened Soul.

Now is Good. Future is Bad.

This cheeky little subtitle references George Orwell’s Animal Farm, where the sheep chant the pigs decree: “Four legs good, two legs bad”…

Spiritual FarmWell, it’s a popular view in modern spirituality, that experiencing the ‘now’ is good, whilst entertaining the future (or past for that matter) is somehow less enlightened. For those who approach spirituality as a goal oriented sport (obviously not you, but you probably know someone who does) this is high octane fuel for your seeker missiles. Eternal presents, a fine target to aim for…

The thing is, you are in the present moment anyway. How could you be anything else?
The mechanism of experience is the same regardless of time constructs.

The Present is the touch point of, and cornerstone reference for, our human experience.

Future Flavoured Translations

There’s nothing YOU have to DO to be present.
And even the EXPERIENCE of the present is a construct.

This, my friend, is the realisation that you ARE what you are seeking… there is nothing for YOU to DO…
In that, all constructs are free to come and go. Past, Future, Present… the dream… the experience…

We are, quite simply, witnessing and experiencing a stream of translations in the matrix of infinite possibility. The stream unfolds as it does, and sometimes future flavoured translations float by…

So, I encourage you to enjoy the game of future events, and watch the unfolding of reality in the present.

Namaste, eternal time travellers 😉



“You are in the present moment anyway. How could you be anything else?” via @JoelYoungNPA

“The Present is the touch point of, and cornerstone reference for, our human experience” via @JoelYoungNPA

“There’s nothing YOU have to DO to be present” via @JoelYoungNPA

“We are witnessing & experiencing a stream of translations in the matrix of infinite possibility” via @JoelYoungNPA

“I encourage you to enjoy the game of future events, and watch the unfolding of reality in the present” via @JoelYoungNPA