Meeting Yourself Where You Are


The call to ‘enlightened’ or spiritual perspectives is one thing, and then there’s the humanity of the immediate circumstances. In the midst of grief, heartache, pain, confusion and overwhelm, that call can feel more disconnecting than connecting… even verging on the abusive at times.

I’m a great believer in the power of reaching for those higher perspectives and rising above circumstance… not to mention using the wonderful tools we have at our disposal.

But always trumping that is my belief in meeting yourself where you are vs forcing the pace for some spiritually macho ideal, or to avoid the truth of where you are in your humble human-mess.

I’ve found that as you meet yourself where you are in THIS moment, with loving, non-judgemental acceptance of your less-than-ideal state… the gentle strength of who you know yourself to be beyond it, can return… step by gentle step.

This is a theme of the testimonials I receive for my 1:1 coaching sessions. “Thank you for your truly non-judgemental approach, it really helped me move through my issues that much quicker, and more gently than I expected”

Helping people like you be more kind to yourself as you meet the challenges of transformation and healing is certainly a passion of mine. So, if you’re facing a challenge and find yourself in a harsh internal environment – get in touch – I can help.

Details of my sessions are at:

Get 1:1 support with Joel…

Kazy-Vincent Janes, a client from the UK said:

“A brilliant session and just perfect – thank you for amazing ability to hone and tune and hold and guide so superbly and uniquely for me”


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