Thy Will Be Done – A Non-Personal Perspective

Thy Will Be Done npacentral.comThis Easter musing on NPA & Life takes a good look at the idea of ‘Thy Will be done’. From a Christian-centric Easter perspective and the story of Jesus in The Garden of Gethsemane – the events that lead to The Passion of Christ – through to a very non-personal perspective on the idea of ‘handing it over to God’.

So let’s crack open this sweet egg, and take a ride down the Easter Bunny hole…

The Garden of Gethsemane, Jerusalem, 2008

In 2008 I had the privilege of teaching the first ever Journey Intensive Weekend for Brandon Bays in Israel. During that trip I had the opportunity to visit Jerusalem – an opportunity I was NOT going to miss.

I was raised Christian, my Grandpa was a Vicar; I went to Sunday school and sang with the church choir. I didn’t really relate to all that bible stuff, but no doubt it’s in my blood. Later as I walked the path of awakening, I was re-introduced to the core spiritual ideas that appear in Christianity, but also within the other main religious texts. In my ‘conversations with God’ over the years, Jesus has regularly been a ‘form’ through which the Divine has spoken to me. And often when Christ was around there was a good deal of talk about the nature of surrender and Divine Will.

So, on reflection, it is no surprise to me that of all the places I visited in Jerusalem, it was the Garden of Gethsemane that touched me most deeply.

The Garden of Gethsemane, Jerusalem, Circa AD 33

What took place in the garden marks Maundy Thursday and begins the Passion of Christ and all the Christian events associated with the Easter Festival. While much of the Easter attention falls on the crucifixion and the resurrection, in my mind ALL of that is cradled in the teaching of surrender that was reached through Jesus’ very human conversation with God; often known as his anguished prayer.

In case you don’t know, The Bible tells how after the last supper, in full awareness of Judas’ imminent betrayal, Jesus takes his disciples to their usual hangout, the garden of Gethsemane. As he waits there he goes off to pray, beseeching God to spare him. He basically says: “God, I know all things are possible to You, so please show me if there is another way? In fact, if there IS another way please, please, please do that!”, and yet with full authenticity he finishes his prayer with “and always, Thy Will be done”

The lesson here is not one of personal power, it is one of non-personal awareness. Jesus does NOT set a personal goal of living without suffering and make that happen, glorifying in his awesomeness when he hits his goal or entering a self-blame/critique/lesson scenario if he misses.

Rather, he shows us that you can be fully present and acknowledge the human expression (the experience of the frightened personality in this case) and still be fully connected to the true source of all decision, consequence & experience: The Infinite, The Origin, God.

Non-Personal Responsibility

You see, often ‘Thy Will be done’ is interpreted as a personal doing. In other words, “It’s my personal responsibility to hand it over to God”.

A non-personal interpretation would be that if, like Jesus, you become fully awake to the realisation that there is no personal causality, and every perceived reality is, in fact, at consequence only to God (or ‘The Field’ if you prefer) – then you will understand that the fundamental spiritual dictate: ‘Hand it over to God’ is not an instruction for ‘you’ to ‘do’ the handing over. Rather, it’s an invitation to simply realise the True source of all experience, inspiration and action.

So, Jesus understood that no matter what personal action he undertook, God was in charge. In the end; Thy Will be done. Byron Katie (author of Loving What Is), who’s term for God is ‘reality’ puts it nicely, saying “When you argue with reality you lose, but only 100% of the time”.

So, this Easter, I invite you to entertain the notion that Thy Will is being done. I encourage you to notice how you are being moved, being breathed, being ‘done’. I also invite you to honour your personal experiences and wishes in that, and be with them as kindly as possible. The Morning Prayer which I share on my Heaven & Earth CD (, provides a format which fully embraces these ideas, so that could be a great resource for you if you’d like a little support with that.

Sending you always, love & blessings



Silence Please!

Silence Please!Real Silence has nothing to do with sound. There is an inner Silence that is always available, no matter what clamber and clatter surrounds you.

The Dance

I have sat with meditation “masters” who would go to great pains to control the environment, and especially noise in the room. I even remember an occasion where the teacher sent a staff member from the seminar room and out to the other side of the street. He was tasked to entreat the gentlemen who were minding their own and drilling the road, to please, in the name of Grace, shut the F*$# up… at least until we had finished meditating. As a testimony to the staff members charm and Grace, they actually DID shut the F*$# up, rather than telling him to do the same.

This dance was based on the notion that the energetics of the space are disturbed by external noise, which in turn can prohibit good meditation.

While I acknowledge that an outer reflection of silence can support ones ability to notice a true inner silence, or at least highlight the noise in your head, the association of the two can ultimately be misleading.

True Silence

True Silence is never disturbed. Not by anything, and certainly not by noise. True Silence is a backdrop of total absence, against which the noise of experience, the one song, can be perceived.

Versions of the ‘Silence Please!’ dance don’t always come as grossly caricatured as the example I gave. It’s mostly a subtle thing, an irritation or a need for such-n-such to be just-so before true bliss can be realised.

If you find your sacred meditation space invaded by noise, and these controls and avoidances (cloaked as ‘honouring’) arise, then I invite you to be still… let your meditation be to notice the Silence beyond the noise. Here you will find the secret to peace in the storm of life.

Namaste. Tick-tock. Om Shanti. Woof Woof Woof. Peace &… Nee-Noorr-Neee-Nooorr. …Love my friend 😉


The Birthplace Of NPA

The Birthplace of NPAAs this post get’s published it’s NPA’s 7th birthday!

It seems like ages ago that it popped out of me in Costa’s in Abingdon. It tickles me that Divine births can happen in the most ordinary places.

There I was in my own little vortex of guided communication while around me; kids were squashing the remains of muffins into hot chocolate soaked saucers; an amazing carer calmed the colourful tourette’s syndrome shouts of her ward; a suited salesman wheeled and dealed on his phone and mid-life girl friends supported each others judgements about the this and the that of their lives…

And in amongst all that, six little lines that would rock my world (and countless others) just popped out. Lot’s of people have told me they were inspired by the story of ‘how NPA was born’ so I thought I would share it here amongst the Musings of NPA & Life. If you share this post you can watch a video of me sharing the story, and help spread the word about NPA… otherwise – simply enjoy the read:

The Birth Of NPA

“I’ve been working in the field of human consciousness and personal growth for approaching 20 years. Back in 2007 I’d had the privilege of working with many amazing people and yet…

On 29th January 2007, I was sat in a Costa coffee shop in Abingdon, Oxfordshire where I lived and quite literally a prayer was ‘born’ through me and it went like this:

“OK God,” Grace, whatever you want to call that, “Is there something specifically that wants to come through me, in service to the world… and if there is, please let me know?”

I’m very clear about this. If the answer was no, then that would have been really fine. I’d have happily just carried on teaching what I was teaching.

However, literally a week later (on February 5th) I was in the same coffee shop, journaling on my computer when the six simple lines that I now call the NPA Process literally popped out of me! They came with that tingley-wingley sensation – which is sort of a signal to me. It was like, “This is the answer to your prayer. There will be seminars and books.”

You Have To Be Kidding Me

My response was, “You have to be kidding me. That’s just too simple, too easy!” But I’ve discovered that the simplicity of NPA is its genius in as much as it means it can be used in so many different ways and yet it’s really, really powerful.

For quite a long time I kept it very, very close to myself. I wanted to discover for myself, through direct experience, what this ‘Non-Persoanl Awareness’ was? And it quickly busted many of my illusions – the things that I’d learned and taught for all those years were really challenged by this little NPA thing.

It wasn’t until 2008, in November, that I first taught it publicly and not until 2009 February when I first taught it in an official way and since then it’s just exploded. It’s in countries all over the world and that’s down to the fact that it’s so simple and it just works.”


Why God Said “No Way Dude” To Moses

Why God Said "No Way Dude" To MosesIn our positively polarised new-age culture, it is often said that God (or The Universe) always says yes. But there’s a Biblical story from the old testament which illustrates an important reason why there’s something God says ‘no’ to and the gift that this denial gives to each and every one of us…

No Way Dude

Moses in the Old Testament beseeched God to make himself known to him. God said “No way dude, you’d be annihilated” (I paraphrase) ;0)

Essentially this story points to God, Divinity as the unknowable mystery. No single being can encapsulate the infinite.

So Moses badgers God who finally agrees to let His shadow fall briefly across him. And in that moment Moses’ hair turns instantly grey and he runs mad around the dessert for 40 days and 40 nights…

This story reflects the deep longing within each human individual to connect with the unknowable – as voiced by Moses in the story.

A Finite Interpretation Of The Infinite Mystery

It further illustrates how even the slightest conscious awareness of that longing will give birth to a story, a shadow of the Truth. In other words; a perspective, a filtered translation or finite interpretation of the infinite mystery.

Then, my awakened friends, the trap of “I have it” is set. In other words we have tendancy to make our interpretation THE definitive truth, and then preach it as such to others.

In non-personal awareness we move from these subtle (and not so subtle) declarations of absolute truth, to a deep understanding that we each have a unique perspective on reality. It’s the acknowledgement that all we have is our story, and that our story connects us to the unknowable truth of what is.

An Air Of Discovery

When you surrender to the humbling awareness of this, you can begin to enjoy yours and other people’s stories, taking them lightly and entering conversations with an air of discovery and unattached passion.

So enjoy your story of Divinity, knowing it connects you somehow to the unknowable.

Please comment, like & share with your friends


Am I Supposed To Be Ridding Myself Of The Ego?

Am I Supposed To Be Ridding Myself of The EgoThought I’d get 2014 rolling with a bit of hard-core spiritual heresy, and happened across some video footage from a panel talk I did with two excellent non-personal friends in Toronto last year.

So, here’s an extract from: “An Evening of Dynamic Conversation on The New Wave of Non-Personal Development”

It’s moderated by Dave Clark (President of the publishing agency – Solutions Inc.), and I was joined by Arnold Timmerman (Author of Leadingship – Exploring the essence of leadership dynamics) and Philip Shepherd (Author of New World, New Self – Coming to our senses in the 21st century).

Arnold & I had talked many times about doing an event like this, and it happened that our schedules coincided in Canada last May. It was a great bonus to be joined by Philip and have an opportunity to offer multiple takes on the non-personal perspective, spirituality and personal development.

Show Me The Heresy…

The particular aspect of heresy we express in this clip, is on the topic of The Ego. We take a look at where the non-personal perspective on it differs from much of the popular personal growth and spiritual dogma that’s fashionable these days.

In this extract the conversation addresses topics like…

  • What is the nature of our authentic selves and who we think we are?
  • What is the impact of self inquiry on who we think are?
  • Does the Ego disappear when you become present?
  • How does the Ego relate to the human condition and Divinity?
  • Can you actually get rid of the ego?
  • What is the mechanism that creates the ego?
  • What is the mechanism that creates states of enlightenment?
  • What is the true nature of Unconditional Love?
  • How does conscious experiencing effect your life’s purpose?

It’s amazing what you can cover in a little over 6 minutes.

Enjoy The Video…

You Can Quote Us…

“When you start self-inquiry, you’ll find that who we are is much more fluid than we think it might be”
Arnold Timmerman

“I don’t even think about ‘is my ego involved or isn’t it’ – I want to be fully present and whole”
Philip Shepherd

“The minute you start making anything in your experience bad or wrong you instantly step out of the availability of your wholeness”
Joel Young

Comments & shares are, as always, welcome! :0)


How To Get What You Want Without Trying

How To Get What You Want Without TryingStriving, trying hard, struggling… these are the misplaced modern virtues that keep us on the Ferris Wheel of exhaustion. They are hailed within our culture as noble and praise worthy. The mythology goes: ‘It ain’t worth a damn if you don’t bust your gut gettin’ it”

The thing is, we’re in one of those weird phases where we are culturally clinging to our mythology and simultaneously sick and tired of it. Or, to keep it mythological; the spell is wearing off but we’re still under.

You see, the spell rests on a simple mechanism. The spell dresses it seductively, oozes sincere promises and, when challenged, spouts spurious logic with convincing charm. “It is no mere mechanism,” it will tell you, “it is the way to get what you want!” The mechanism itself is neutral, available and happy for your ‘wants’ to come as they may…

So, what is the mechanism and what is the dressing?

Intention & Agenda

The mechanism is intention. The spell-binding dressing is agenda.

An agenda, in the way it’s meant here, is a fixed plan or idea of how things should be; how what you want should show up and perhaps the path that should lead to it’s arrival. 

An agenda about life tends to skew your perspective and rarely puts you in the discovery mode that facilitates an alive and energetically free state of being. Rather it has you trying to fix or control life, your experience and the experience of those around you.

Life has energy resources beyond anything you can imagine, let alone access personally. It is constantly offering you energetically pre-paid pathways of manifestation, which may or may not match your agenda. Your agenda makes you personally responsible for ‘making it happen that way’. It closes you off from Life’s creative chaos and puts the energy liability firmly in your court.

Drop The Agenda

When you drop the agenda about what life SHOULD be or look like, you are open to the the flow that is coming through you anyway.

Yes you read that right – ‘coming through you anyway’. You see, we’ve had the story of intention all rather back to front. We’ve been sold the idea that our agenda sets the intention, whereas a little self inquiry will reveal that that is not the case.

Actually, intention comes in service to a deep impulse, which originates prior to the experience of ‘self’. The impulse arises from the non-personal space and meets (or connects with) the personal experience. At that moment, the mechanism of intention is activated.

The impulse is the herald, announcing that the ESSENCE of what is wanted has arrived and is willing to express itself through you. Intention connects it to your personal experience and is very neutral about how that manifests.

When you drop the agenda, the impulse for the experience you ultimately want has space to emerge in ways that perhaps you hadn’t considered, or even in the form you expected it!

Dropping the agenda allows you to break the cultural spell and ride on the coat tails of the Universes infinite power. There’s less striving and more efficiency - you simply get what you want without trying.

Joel Young

Your comments, as always, are welcome and please share this with your networks if you found it helpful <3


Are You Suffering From Arrogance Of The Heart?

Embrace Mind Heart and InstinctDemonise the mind and become ignorant
Demonise the heart and become passionless
Demonise the instinct and become passive

Embrace them all as your best companions…
And become amazing in all the ways that matter to you!

Embrace Mind, Heart & Instinct

This is an invitation to embrace the human mechanisms of experience. Our tendancy to raise one particular aspect of ourselves to dominance and demonise (or make less than) the rest can reduce the fullness of our experience.

The Rise & Fall of Prominence

In openness and presence you can ride the rise and fall of prominence of each faculty as you meet each moment.

One of the traps in the modern Spiritual and Personal Growth landscape is that an ‘arrogance of the heart’ can emerge where the mind and instincts become denied.

This can be AS debilitating as the more prevelant trend on the planet; that of promoting the mind and mental faculties over the others.

Seductive Snares On The Spiritual Path…

Here are some scenarios to help you get a sense of what some of these traps can look like in experience with some suggestions on steps you can take  to free yourself and move towards wholeness…

Bare in mind in the scenarios below that ‘Do you ever‘ is not saying ‘you should never…‘ These questions are simply an opportunity to self reflect and bring more awareness to where you may be selling yourself short…

Also, this is by no means a complete list, but I have chosen to focus on the main traps that I see people on the spiritual path fall into…

TRAP: Demonising the mind…

Do you ever hear yourself say ‘Oh, that’s just my mind’, perhaps in a dismissive or self-reproaching tone? Dismissing the mind is dismissing part of you. It’s dismissing one of the avenues of communication that the Universe has to connect with and guide you. It’s not that the mind doesn’t come up with some unhelpful rubbish, but let’s not throw the baby out with the bathwater!

The Mind is Not BadTHE MOVE TOWARDS WHOLENESS: Embracing the mind…

Soften your judgement of the mind. Be willing to hear it out – it might have a point! The mind is not bad, it’s just a like puppy. Sometimes it pees on the floor. Start being gentle but clear in response and it will grow up to be a faithful companion. Also it loves to fetch information – a very useful thing!

TRAP: Demonising your instincts…

If you have a problem saying ‘no’, making decisions or asserting yourself, there’s a very good chance you have learned to supress and demonise your instincts. This can be the scourge of nice spiritual people whose identity has become invested in ideas that promote positivity, love and joy and spell out dire consequences if less than rosey emotions are entertained.

THE MOVE TOWARDS WHOLENESS: Embracing your instincts…

Question any tendancy to be passive. Of course there are times when it’s good to be lead, however there’s a difference between actively and passively arriving in that role. Check with yourself whether any reticence to say no, make a decision or assert yourself is really to do with fear of conflict?  The main job of embracing your instincts though, is in getting comfortable with unsettling feelings and learning to relate to them in ways that give you access to tremendous life-force and clarity. As the instincts are born from the gut I also recommend spending some time focusing your awareness about 2cm beneath the navel.

TRAP: Elevating the heart above mind and instinct…

If you want to fall into both of the above traps simultaneously, you can’t beat this as a strategy. If you hear yourself say ‘Listen to your heart’ but never hear yourself say ‘Trust your gut and go with your instincts’ or ‘Think about it for a moment’ – be aware that you may have slipped into this seductive little snare. So what’s the problem? The heart is super lovely and all Soulful is it not? Well, yes it does hold a beautiful perspective, but not necessarily always the most healthy perspective – ask anyone who has stayed in a relationship way past it’s sell-by date because their heart could see the potential and longed for it to be so, even as every instinct was screaming MOVE ON!


The humble heart is always available to offer it’s beautiful perspective but is open to the swift clean knowing of the instinct and the 3D rationality of the mind. Together these three pistons are the engine of your life force. They pump power to your purpose and, when allowed to work with the rhythm and harmony of life, will carry you Gracefully through the adventures of your life experience.

Embrace them all as your best companions…

So, be open to the instincts, the rational mind and the heart and trust the natural rhythm in which each of them takes the lead.

If you would like a helping hand getting to this harmony where all of these faculties are fully available and free, give me a call – you can use the link here or below to set up 10 minutes for a chat.

Peace and wholeness my friends…

Joel Young

Please SHARE if this resonates, and comments are welcome


Dodgey Territory On The Road To Heaven

What Is Asked ForIt is not the nature of the Universe to deny what has been asked for. Sometimes what has been asked for (whether it is realised or not) is pain, confusion, separation from power source and lack of clarity…

Sometimes, as you travel through the landscape of life, you pass through challenging terrain, stinky streets or perhaps harsh deserts. It’s easy to look skyward and ask “Why this? Have I not beseeched thee for all things lovely?” But you have been inspired to travel BY those very prayers and to get to the land of your dreams, requires that the journey takes you through THESE lands, if come they do.

Now, this is very different from saying “you have held the wrong vibration, or not entertained right-thinking thoughts”… Those thoughts, (if they have arisen) are simply more of the landscape, and maybe at times the fuel for your feet, that gave you the drive to carry on through…

Prior to ‘You’

The source of these thoughts, and even the prayer, is prior to ‘you’ and non-personal…

One of the things I have found to be a great relief in the energy of non-personal awareness is the clarifications around certain modern ‘spiritual’ ideas, which have come to be the cause of the very suffering and judgement they claim to heal…

When I posted this quote on my Facebook page it promoted some questions via private message, which gives me an opportunity to offer further clarification here…

Q1: “Are you meaning that when we have painful times in our lives we have asked for them?”

The main perspective I wanted to offer by posting this particular quote AND the message that came with it, is that those ‘painful’ experiences may be ‘on route’ to the bigger vision that has been asked for.

Some modern ‘spiritual’ ideas can imply that it is ‘wrong thinking’ that ‘created’ it, which has the tendency to promote self-blame, judgement and an interruption of the flow.

It is also true that at some level those experiences ARE asked for directly… in the same way that on a road trip, each turn of the steering wheel is an ‘ask’.

If the route requires we drive through dodgy territory, then the turn of the wheel that put you on that part of the journey could be said to be responsible for ‘creating’ the experience :0)

Q2: “And we can throw away the spiritual adage that our thoughts create our reality?”


“Your thoughts create your reality” is a largely uninvestigated and cab be a misleading statement. Thoughts are an EXPRESSION of the creative impulse, and are a ‘potential’, or you could say ‘optional’, mechanism within the matrix of experience.

It’s like saying hammers create houses. Which negates the architect, the blue prints, the thousands of other tools that are used AND the option of using a nail gun ;0)

Hammers are very likely to be used in the creation of a house, but their use is at consequence to the inspiration to build a house. In the same way, distinct thoughts are very likely to be in the chain of creating your experience, but they are not the ultimate source.

Inquiry Invitation

As always, I am simply offering my perspective fully here, and I invite you to investigate this for yourself. Here’s an exercise you could try…

  1. Find a quiet place where you wont be interrupted, close your eyes and take a deep breath.
  2. Now take a thought – any thought (you probably have a few hanging around) and ask yourself the question “What is the source of this?
  3. Wait for an answer to arise.
    NB. Inquiry is not about seeking an answer, it’s about asking the questions, being still and letting an answer or a response find you! In this exercise it may be another thought, a feeling, a picture or some kind of direct experience – just let it be what it is. You may even lose ‘words’ pretty quickly.
  4. Whatever arises, just notice it and ask yourself the questions again: “What is the source of this”
  5. Repeat this question and discovery sequence over and over several times – as many as feels right to you.

I’d love to hear what you experienced and what you discovered in the comments below :0)

Please share, if you feel this perspective could enrich your friends lives :0)


Creation, in Reality, is Receiving…

Creation in Reality is ReceicvingAll creative inspiration, even the impulses to take action on that, are sourced ‘prior’ to Self. So ultimately everything is received, or given.

Artists, writers and musicians know this as The Muse, but that concept tends to be limited to our ‘artistic’ endevours.

Extrapolating the activities and output of The Muse to ALL experience would be closer to the truth.

Become A Listener

I invite you to become a listener. If you long to create something, then that longing is you; already receiving and hearing the opening bars of a Universal Song.

Simply continue to listen. Let the music move you & you will automatically begin living the expression and experience of it.

NPA: Non-Personal Awareness
A Simple Process. A Profound Message.

Please share, if you feel this perspective could enrich your freinds lives :0)


Personal Responsibility in a Non-Personal World

Personal ResponsibilityAs the whole solid and separate model dissolves, we see it’s impact happening all around us.

The status quo of North Africa and the Middle East is dissolving as unsustainable despotic behaviours take the system critical, people rise and political tyrannies fall. The status quo of Western Culture is challenged as unsustainable economic behaviours take the system critical, people occupy, and financial institutions fall.

Spirituality, like science, throughout the ages has been a reflection of humanity’s understanding and culture – whether we like to admit it or not.


In the Personal Growth arena we have had a period of being very inner/self focused and have revelled in the idea that we create the entire universe from within ourselves. That’s a large responsibility for mortal shoulders!

Of course, there is a degree of truth to it and certainly there’s been a great need and purpose to come into ourselves, asking ‘Who am I really?’ To connect inwardly, and mature in Spirit as individuals.

We walked from the notion of ‘the power outside’, to ‘the power inside’ – two opposite personalised perspectives. Personal experience has been the primary conduit of human experience – now it’s time to go co-personal.

“It’s time to step into a collaborative mindset and engage WE thinking, not ME thinking”

It’s time to INCLUDE the power of our selves and yet go BEYOND our selves, beyond our local-ness . It’s time to go beyond the idea that ‘If I only think positive thoughts myself, then the whole world will change’. It’s time to step into a collaborative mindset and engage WE thinking, not ME thinking. It’s time for powerful animated PERSONAL PARTICIPATION in alignment with a bigger picture.


Now, you can approach this from a very personally responsible mind-set and decide, yes, ‘let’s DO that’, but the beautiful thing I notice with people who do a lot of NPA is that it just sort of happens – it becomes the automatic modus operandi all by itself.

This is because NPA aligns you with and beyond the self automatically. It invokes awarenesses and powers with and beyond the self that just start to work through you – and it becomes the most natural thing to behave in much more competition free, altruistic ways.

Personal responsibility and personal power alone are unsustainable models. The natural effortlessness of transformations, changes and growth through non-personal awareness has shown to make them sustainable.

“NPA invokes awarenesses and powers with and beyond the self that just start to work through you – and it becomes the most natural thing to behave in much more competition free, altruistic ways”


Learn How You Can Make Rapid Sustainable Shifts…

NPA Basic Training - Start Here“This video programme will walk you step by step through the core training of The NPA Process and give you what you need to get started making a difference in your life right away with NPA.”


So NPA is an expression of the evolutionary changes afoot. It starts out as a way to look at your personal stuff – but what it REALLY does is open you into the non-personal perspective…


The ‘Face in the Clouds’ has NOT been added in later – it was noticed only after we reviewed the photo’s from the days shoot.

Into the relational space – the space between us as individuals, which is becoming more solid, more distinct, more tangible. And we start really learning how to operate with this connection between us – not just as some amorphous Unity idea – but as a distinct operational matrix (beyond just the self)…

As I have said – this is what’s happening in the energy of the planet anyway, and if you love to participate CONSCIOUSLY in this amazing shift, you need to go beyond the AWAKENING, go beyond just personal power, go beyond the chase for a holy grail ‘sustained God-Self experience’ and meet your humble authentic expression where you are. You’ll find it’s all right here, right now in the wholesomeness of simply BE-ing. Are you ready?

“The unconditionally loving witness is realised to be awake and aware. It rests as the foundation of well-being and at the heart of your life experience”

Joel Young, Creator & Custodian of NPA
